
Monday, February 11, 2019

Limits to Growth in Elite Sport :: Sports Sport Athletics Essays

Limits to Growth in Elite Sport bring up The purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the ethical implications and problems in elect(ip) sport as it gets closer to the human performance limit. Modern elect(ip) sport must be viewed on the background of the idea of positive progress. The Olympic motto, citius, altius, fortius-faster, higher, stronger-gives a detailed concentration of this idea. Modern sport is likewise influenced by the liberal idea of a free market where actors tin can perform, compete and be rewarded according to performance. However, one may ask wherefore and how athletes are willing to risk their health and even their life on the free market of sport when they do the extreme upgrade limits, improve records, set new standards, develop new events. This paper discusses what may be the result as sport moves toward the limits of human performance. The ethical focus on the development of the elect sport should not be restricted to the several(prenominal) at hlete, but should also include the various systems that make up elite sport. Other actors, like coaches, leaders, sponsors, medical personnel, service people, etc., are taking incite in the equal development. One problem in the modern mise en scene is that society is divided into different moral sectors. What is accepted in pastime or art may not be accepted in sport. It is suggested that we should develop a common ethic for in all performance-centered activities like music, painting, apprehension and research, acrobatics and stunts, acting, top politics and business. Or one could include all situations and events where people are put under extreme stress and feed to perform well, like during expeditions, in idealistic humanitarian work, during hazards, and catastrophes. At the same time, one should not develop a sort of elite ethic. We carry a new ethic that defines the ethical tolerance level in elite sport and that also points to some of the possibilities for development of both quality and virtues under extreme pressure. Introduction The Olympic motto citius, altius, fortius - faster, higher, stronger - gives a precise concentrate of the strong belief in eternal progress. To break barriers, to push limits, is very important and central in elite sport to be the scratch under 10 seconds on 100 meter elan for men, the first under 4 minutes in one slope mile, the first over 6 meter in pole-vaulting or the first over 9 meter in long jump, and so on.

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