
Sunday, August 25, 2019

Allied Health, Information and Informed Consent Essay

Allied Health, Information and Informed Consent - Essay Example Multidisciplinary care ensures that the team members are able to discuss every aspect of psychological and physical needs of each patient. Multidisciplinary care approach fulfils the best and evidence-based practices for all the patients (Pozgar, 2012) The multidisciplinary care is carried out since it represents the best practice of treatment planning for the patients. It entails a focus on continued care, the development of relevant referral networks that include appropriate pathways to enhance the psychological needs, the development of protocols and pathways for care and treatment. It includes the patients whose cases are discussed by multidisciplinary team. Effective multidisciplinary care entails the improved coordination of the services, great opportunities for participation in clinical trials, improvement in treatment planning and outcomes, improvement in information sharing between the multidisciplinary team members, enhanced management and detection of the patients psychological and emotional needs, and the improved functioning of the team (Pozgar, 2012). The multidisciplinary care has been incorporated in the national clinical practice frameworks, guidelines, frameworks and plans. The multidisciplinary team is focused in treatment planning where the health professionals meet and recommend a treatment plan. Not all the professional treat the patient; as a result, the issues on liability if the patient’s condition worsened derail the multidisciplinary approach. As a result, before any multidisciplinary approach, they had to be the consent of the patient prior to the multidisciplinary meeting, the meeting outcomes should be documented, and the liability implication of the professional team members depended on recommendations of the individual practitioner (Magee, Laroche & Gilligan, 2001). Patients should be informed about the multidisciplinary procedures and meetings, and they should have the

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